RT @Newsweek: 20 years ago this week, Newsweek published the wrongest column ever. http://t.co/ap8vtRnpIZ #NewsweekRewind http://t.co/8LHAKpw4rE

RT @unServidor: Cristina cantando a Sandro. Acá le pusieron más onda. http://t.co/76M5DNZukD

Hoy, en fotos que te vuelan la peluca http://t.co/9UN1MAMI2Y

RT @verge: Lego is rebooting the original Star Wars films from the perspective of R2-D2 and C-3PO http://t.co/QSdyA0jJKp http://t.co/cQUZKBBGcn

RT @EameoOk: http://t.co/DvMvTJ5ult

Everything is awesome https://t.co/W1Xt1sAJ5G

RT @AFPblogs: ‘Morning commute in New Delhi’ The story behind the eye-popping #AFP picture by @Money_Sharma http://t.co/OEo8pg7gO2 http://t.co/qWRtRKifVW

Somos todos Spock http://t.co/hqOsHI2YNk

Tengo la Gopro: ahora me falta saltar con garrocha https://t.co/YsZBC0wVVI

La gambeta de la llama es una cosa de locos https://t.co/XHzblZiXTJ